Toyota’s Files Patent for Colour-Changing Paint

Toyota is getting innovative with car colours, filing a patent application for a paint that can change hues, making car makeovers a breeze. Imagine having a car that can switch colours as easily as changing clothes!

In their patent application, Toyota explains that this technology could allow car owners to keep up with trends or simply shake things up. Dealerships could also use it to make cars more appealing to potential buyers.

Here’s how it works: instead of going through the hassle of a traditional repaint or applying vinyl wraps, Toyota’s paint reacts to heat and light. Picture this: a car is parked in a garage with special heating elements surrounding it. As the paint warms up, a clever device called a “colour modulator” is passed over the surface, transforming its shade.

This colour modulator, which could be operated by a person or even a robot, acts as the mastermind behind the colour change. It can communicate with a central server and sensors in the car’s body to ensure the perfect colour transformation.

Toyota acknowledges that they’re not the first to dabble in colour-changing paint. They mention BMW’s demonstration of a similar technology at CES 2022, which used electrophoretic technology found in e-readers to change colours with the push of a button. However, Toyota’s approach differs as it doesn’t rely on an external wrap, potentially making it more feasible for mass production.

So, could we see cars rocking this chameleon-like paint job on the streets soon? Only time will tell. But for now, we can’t help but be excited about the possibility of cars changing colours like magic!

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